December 7, 2018 | Climate Change
Stepping Up Short-term and Long-term Ambition to Pursue the 1.5°C Goal
Invitation Only
The IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C has thrown into stark relief the benchmark temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. Yet as time passes, the ambition gap grows and becomes more daunting, with climate change impacts increasingly unfolding. How can the world step up the pace to what is required?
At the COP24 1.5°C dinner, particular points participants will discuss the following:
- In the past three years, while frontrunner businesses, cities, states and regions, and countries set their climate action plans to pursue the 1.5°C goal and advocacy groups might put 1.5°C in the center of their campaigns, others might choose another benchmark. What does the 1.5°C benchmark mean now after the IPCC special report?
- The Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) Summit has been a key event building the momentum for raising ambition and enhancing NDCs; how can this momentum be developed towards a positive outcome at COP24? What can the CVF Summit outcomes bring to the Talanoa Dialogue and potential COP decision on ambition?
- International climate diplomacy has shown remarkable ability to gain ground with the announcements at the Global Climate Action Summit and the recent formation of the Carbon Neutrality Coalition. At the same time, world politics is bringing up considerable setbacks. What dynamics and drivers are at play and how can we better navigate this moment? How might this play out at the UNSG Climate Summit in 2019? What are urgent global policy gaps that need to be addressed to meet the 1.5°C challenge as made stark by the IPCC?
Rei Tang
Program OfficerClimate Change
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