December 13, 2018 | Katowice, Poland | Climate Change

The Role of Nonparty Stakeholders in International Climate Politics from COP24 to the UNSG Summit to 2020

Invitation Only

The meeting is hosted by the Climate Action Network-International, Oxford University, the Stanley Center, the World Resources Institute, and WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) on behalf of Galvanizing the Groundswell of Climate Action.

This session aims to take stock of the numerous events and developments over the previous days at COP24 and inform the next steps related to nonstate actor climate action, particularly in 2019. The discussion will focus on the following questions:

  • Take stock of Global Climate Action Sequence and Talanoa Dialogue: What outcomes have resulted from nonstate actor engagement in these processes? How effective have they been? What are the next steps for these processes?
  • Domestic climate action in 2019: What sub- and nonstate actor mobilization is taking place in key jurisdictions? How can this be supported and scaled up?
  • Data and analysis: What tracking and aggregation efforts are planned for 2019? How can we make this as effective as possible?
  • Looking forward to the Secretary General’s 2019 summit: How can we contribute?


Rei Tang

Program Officer
Climate Change