Mass Violence and Atrocities | Readout and Recommendations

Strategies and Next Steps for the Responsibility to Protect: A Conversation with UN Member States

May 2014


Prevention is more effective and efficient than military intervention in assisting states under stress. The international community has a wide range of instruments from which to support at-risk states including measures such as helping countries to address their own challenges, pushing for supportive neighbors and regional groups, and facilitating assistance from other international actors.

Agreement on the key principles of R2P appears to be on the rise, and understanding what preventing genocide and mass atrocity means seems to be increasingly more concrete.

In Tarrytown, New York, on February 12-14, the Stanley Center held its 45th United Nations Issues conference to stimulate thinking on R2P ahead of a United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) dialogue later this year.

The UNGA has held multiple informal, interactive meetings on R2P and the UN secretary-general has produced numerous reports on specific R2P themes. The dialogues have played a significant role in advancing greater international consensus and describing concrete steps for implementation of all facets of the doctrine.
