September 25, 2019 | New York, NY, USA | Climate Change

The Next Global Financial Crisis and Climate Change

Invitation Only

Anticipation of another financial crisis is growing steadily a decade after the 2008 crash. It is anyone’s guess as to the cause of the next financial crisis, but with political tensions rising and severe climate change events occurring evermore frequently, the range of destabilizing factors continues to grow. This dinner will begin a conversation on the likely causes of the next financial crisis and what reforms will be needed to construct a robust financial system for a world deeply affected by climate change.

The dinner will be a chance to bring together participants to examine the following questions:

  • From the perspective of the climate change and financial communities, what is the state of playon aligning the global financial system with the Paris Agreement goals? What critical questions need to be addressed?
  • What are worthwhile discussion topics and issues to cover in developing a comprehensive and transformative agenda for the global financial system to align with the Paris Agreement? How much should the organizers push? What are potential discussion pitfalls as well as helpful guardrails and boundaries?
  • Where is further outreach needed and who should be involved in the conversation? How might this effort align or digress from the goals of key constituencies? What are key framing ideas or messages that can advance this effort?


Rei Tang

Program Officer
Climate Change