Nuclear Weapons | Readout and Recommendations

Nuclear and WMD Security and Summit Diplomacy—Leveraging Top-Level Engagement

December 2011


As experts and officials gear up for the second Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) in Seoul, and in light of the recent G-8 decision to grant the Global Partnership an extension, it is a good moment to step back and assess achievements made thus far in nuclear and WMD security as well as the work that remains. While significant progress has been made, there is still much to be done. Engagement from the highest levels of government has been instrumental in spurring action, but important questions persist regarding how best to leverage top-level engagement and summit diplomacy in these areas.

The Stanley Center convened a group of experts and policymakers from the United States, Asia, Canada, and Europe on October 13-15, 2011, at its 52nd annual Strategy for Peace Conference. The group discussed “Nuclear and WMD Security and Summit Diplomacy—Leveraging Top-Level Engagement.” The resulting policy dialogue brief offers an overview of the discussion and recommendations of roundtable participants.

About the conference:
Each year the Stanley Center convenes the Strategy for Peace Conference on a wide range of US national security and foreign policy issues with experts from the public and private sectors who meet in autonomous roundtables. These meetings are designed with an eye toward the future of American relations with the world, the results of which are published in nonattributed policy dialogue briefs and widely distributed.
