Nuclear Weapons | Report

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 at the Crossroads: The Challenges of Implementation

Michael Ryan Kraig | December 2009


On October 1, 2009, the Stanley Center convened a major panel conference, “Resolution 1540: At a Crossroads” at UN Headquarters in New York City, involving US and international experts and former officials to discuss the future implementation of Resolution 1540 at the global, regional, national, and civil society levels.

Overall, the conference made clear that nongovernmental groups need, and have the potential, to be more involved in national, regional, and global efforts to implement Resolution 1540.

Specifically, nongovernmental actors can and should cooperate closely with IGOs, national governments, and private industry in the following areas:

  • Risk assessment.
  • National capacity building in the justice and security sectors for dealing with the challenges of WMD proliferation and global illicit trade.
  • Training and education in areas where security concerns meet up with trade and financial operations.
  • Development of national standards and legislation for 1540 implementation.
  • Exploration of synergies of development policies with national and regional efforts to implement Resolution 1540, for example, in the buildup of public health capacities and strengthening of border controls.