Nuclear Weapons | Report

Preventing Weak Links in Nuclear Security: A Strategy for Soft and Hard Governance

April 2014


The Nuclear Security Governance Experts Group (NSGEG), a diverse group with nuclear sector experience, argues that world leaders should address five key dimensions of international nuclear security governance through the Nuclear Security Summit process and develop a strategic end game for the 2016 summit in the United States.

  • Universalize the current nuclear security regime.
  • Promote information sharing to build confidence.
  • Support voluntary actions to improve nuclear security.
  • Use peer review and culturally sensitive best practices.
  • Endorse a unifying framework convention.

The NSGEG’s recommendations are based on deliberations at its many workshops held in the past 18 months, including “Preventing Weak Links in Nuclear Security: A Strategy for Soft and Hard Governance,” held on October 16-18, 2013, in Warrenton, Virginia. The October workshop was convened during the Stanley Center’s 54th Annual Strategy for Peace Conference with support from the Asan Institute for Policy Studies and the Partnership for Global Security.
