Climate Change | Readout and Recommendations

Mobilizing Climate Action: To Paris and Beyond

May 2015


The UN Climate Summit in September 2014 established unprecedented momentum across all sectors, including public, private, civil society, and subnational actors, toward achieving a strong climate change agreement at the 21st Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change this December. How can organizations working to address climate change collaborate to leverage their communication and mobilization strategies to maintain and enhance momentum on climate change action through 2015 and beyond?

The Stanley Center, in collaboration with the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Change Support Team, organized a retreat to address this question. This event summary reflects how participants worked together to establish a greater understanding of each other’s efforts and pinpoint opportunities available to collaborate and coordinate their work to maximize their common objectives. The retreat culminated with the development of four focus areas, to continue as participant-led working groups:

1. New Message Campaigns
2. Media Amplification
3. Engaging Leaders
4. Events

This event summary, drafted by the Stanley Center, captures the key points and highlights discussed at “Mobilizing Climate Action: To Paris and Beyond,” held March 4–6, 2015, in Tarrytown, New York.
