February 25, 2014 | New Delhi, Delhi, India | Global Governance
Prospects for Cooperation Between Emerging and Established Powers – Views from New Delhi and Other Key Capitals
A panel discussion will take place on two new Stanley Center publications, Bright Spots: Expert Views on Emerging-Established Power Cooperation, with coauthors Rei Tang and David Shorr; and Back to Reality: India’s National Interests and Multilateralism, with coauthors Dr. Radha Kumar and Ambassador Achal Malhotra.
In 2013 the Stanley Center carried out a wide-ranging consultation with experts in the policy communities of emerging and established powers about what issues hold potential for advancement. Stepping back from the panoply of multilateral efforts, Bright Spots takes a fresh look at the agenda and identifies what problems warrant a more prominent push.
Looking at India’s multiple roles as a stabilizer in its neighborhood, a balancer in Asia, a reformer of global trade and monetary policies, and an actor in global peace and security, Back to Reality: India’s National Interests and Multilateralism examines the policy issues and debates facing India’s multilateral policy today and prospects for the future.
The event is co-hosted by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) in India and the Stanley Center, USA.
Rei Tang
Program OfficerClimate Change