May 18, 2016 | Bonn, Germany | Climate Change

Coordinating a Fast-Start to Determine 1.5°C Pathways

Invitation Only

The Stanley Center will host a dinner dialogue on fast-starting the determination of transformational pathways to 1.5°C. The aim toward a 1.5 degree Celsius target underpins the legitimacy of the Paris Agreement. Yet, this target requires an understanding of transformational pathways that go beyond much of the research and analysis to date. And what we do know, is that more ambitious climate action is needed now, and we cannot wait and see what the 2018 IPCC report says before we start coordinating efforts on determining and pursuing these pathways.

Policy dinner participants will be asked to address the following:

  • What research programs are currently underway to identify the most pressing political, economic, and technological opportunities and challenges to realizing pathways to 1.5°C? Where are the gaps?
  • What coordination efforts currently exist among these research programs? Where would more coordination be most helpful?
  • What efforts are currently underway to advance multistakeholder dialogue between the research and policy communities along with the groundswell of climate action from businesses, cities, states, and regions?
  • What role can climate change advocacy play in shifting global climate governance to be more responsive to research and analysis on 1.5°C pathways?

Participants will represent policymakers, advocates, intergovernmental organizations/bodies, universities, and think tanks. In addition to the policy dinner dialogue, the center will seek input on the best way to coordinate, engage, and/or collaborate with interested individuals and organizations for driving the 1.5ºC pathways conversation forward.


Rei Tang

Program Officer
Climate Change