September 26-28, 2016 | Buenos Aires, Argentina | Mass Violence and Atrocities

Building a Civil Society Network to Prevent Mass Atrocities in Latin America and the Caribbean

Invitation Only

Together with CRIES, the Stanley Center will host the launch meeting for a civil society-based Latin American and Caribbean Mass Atrocity Prevention Network in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The involvement and empowerment of Latin American nongovernmental agents of change is crucial to the development of solid and sustainable prevention initiatives. A proactive civil society can share their expertise in the field and, in partnership with other key players, enhance the capacity of governments to maintain a national infrastructure for resilience to atrocity crimes and genocide and ensure accountability and respect for the rule of law and democratic governance.

The overarching aim of this project is to make a contribution to prevent future flagrant and systematic human rights abuses and atrocity crimes in Latin America and the Caribbean, which could be perpetrated by state and nonstate actors, both during turbulent and peaceful times. It will also strengthen civil society advocacy efforts to support broader national, regional, and international human rights and mass atrocity prevention agendas.


Kelsey Paul Shantz

Program Officer
Mass Violence and Atrocities